Smoking anything has gotten a bad rap over the years. It makes sense because quite a few people are health conscious and don’t want smoke entering their lungs. You may think that the only way to consume marijuana is by smoking it. Nothing could be further from the truth, and that’s what we’re going to talk about. If you are the type who doesn’t like to be around smoke, you can still enjoy marijuana.
Vaporizers allow you to enjoy buds without burning them
Vaporizing marijuana unlocks everything in the buds that you love, without having to inhale any smoke. There are several vaporizers on the market, and the cost varies. You can spend as little as less than a hundred dollars all the way up to almost a thousand dollars. Go online and browse the different makes and models of vaporizers and then read their reviews. You should be able to find a vaporizer that fits almost any budget.
It’s possible to make edibles at home
Are you the type who loves to buy all the edibles at your favorite shop? If so, you need to know that you don’t need to pay the high prices that they charge for them. You can make edibles at home for a fraction of the cost. If that wasn’t enough of a bonus, you can also control the strains that you use. You might prefer a headier high or something more relaxed, and it’s up to you if you make your own edibles. The internet is flooded with recipes for edibles, and you shouldn’t have any problems learning what to make.
Vape pens and other products might be something to look into
If you aren’t dead set on buying dried flowers, there are even more options available to you. Vape pens offer you the ability to inhale vapor without the need to own a vaporizer. Some will say that since they don’t know what’s in the vaping liquid, they don’t want anything to do with it. There might be a valid argument for that, so keep it in mind if you plan on going this route. You should feel comfortable knowing that the liquids are produced in state-regulated laboratories, but no one would fault you for being overly cautious.
Tinctures too are a possibility
Some who enjoy California marijuana also might find tinctures enjoyable. Tinctures are highly concentrated liquids containing marijuana that you can drink. A few drops are all it takes to get you where you want to go with tinctures. They are another option for those who want to enjoy a buzz without having to smoke.